
The Yuhua Stagewright Society was started in 2013, in an attempt to offer an alternative platform where students can develop their talents and skills holistically as actors, stage managers, scriptwriters, prop masters, makeup artists and wardrobe masters in a creative and nurturing environment. As a member of the society, one will also be provided with opportunities to interact with various drama communities and the industry’s professionals via face-to-face or online platforms. Our weekly CCA Training sessions focus on the history of theatre and the different genres of theatre to sharpen students’ creativity and hone our drama and acting techniques and skills, Many others participated in an MOE online audition for student actors and presenters in their video productions. This was indeed an opportunity for the students to hone their presentation skills and self-confidence, while showing their talents.
Our Team
Mdm Amy Phua (OIC)
Mr Tan Kian Soon (2IC)
Ms Rathiya
Mdm Rafilah
Student Leaders
Chairperson: Lucas Nye (3 Contribute)
Vice Chairperson: Regine Tan (3 Resilience)
Key Events of the Year
CCA Training sessions
Performances for school events (eg: Teachers’ Day Performance (video) 2023; CNY Concert 2024)
Mini drama festival: students conceptualise and write their own scripts
Singapore Youth Festival Arts Presentation 2023
SYF AP 2023 (Certificate of Accomplishment)
