National Civil Defence Cadet Corps
National Civil Defence Cadet Corps

Yuhua NCDCC aims to equip our cadets with the Triangle of Life skills,
which are basic firefighting, first aid and CPR+AED. We have experienced
significant growth since our inception, increasing our intake over the
years to a healthy cohort of 70 cadets at present
Yuhua NCDCC trains our cadets to be ready for adversity and equips them
with the practical skills which may prove crucial in the face of dangers
and emergencies.
Our Team
Mr Alvin Ng Kiat Hou (OIC)
Mr Kamaroazmir Kamaruddin(2IC)
Ms Ellavarasi D/O Kulasajagaran
Ms Tan Boon Swan
Student Leaders:
Unit Sergeant Major (USM): SSG Bardelosa Andrey Arshavin Luczon
Assistant Sergeant Major (ASM): SSG Rosetiaralina Binte Rosli
Regiment Sergeant Major (RSM): SGT Rizq Rifqi Bin Herman Filani
Key Events of the Year
Training Programme
Yuhua NCDCC provides opportunities for our cadets to hone their leadership and communication skills while serving the school through the administering of first aid during school events such as Sports Day and Emergency Evacuation Exercises. Additionally, our cadets serve as Civil Defence ambassadors, raising awareness about emergency preparedness through community engagement and school outreach programmes.
Our cadets are provided with authentic learning opportunities to acquire Civil Defence knowledge through visits to notable sites like the Civil Defence Heritage Gallery and Civil Defence shelters. The cadets put their skills to the test by participating in events organised by the Home Team Academy, including the Urban Adventure Challenge and Precision Drill Competition.
Key events of the year
Yuhua NCDCC Unit Camp
Courses aligned with the Cadet Proficiency Badge Scheme (CPBS)
Visits to Civil Defence Academy, Civil Defence Heritage Centre, Jurong Fire Station and DART Base.
Secondary 1 Affirmation Day
Secondary 3 Specialisation Courses – Fire Safety, Medical Response, Urban Search and Rescue (USAR), Marine Fire and Rescue *NEW
Participating in NCDCC Service Month – School and community sharing of Civil Defence knowledge
Precision Drill Competition

SSCDF - NCDCC Pinnacle Award
The SCDF - NCDCC Pinnacle award is presented to the most outstanding cadet in NCDCC. This is the highest accolade that a cadet may receive in this uniform group.
The recipients of this award are:
Warrant Officer Hyra Musfira Putri Mustafa Kamal
Warrant Officer Nur Ayuni Binte Abdullah
Unit Best Cadet Award
The Unit Best Cadet award is presented to the most outstanding cadet in the unit, one who has contributed immensely to the unit’s development.
The recipient of this award is Warrant Officer Hyra Musfira Putri Mustafa Kamal

Unit Overall Proficiency Award
The Yuhua NCDCC unit achieved the Distinction standard for the Unit Overall Proficiency Award (UOPA) in 2023.