Yuhua’s Cornerstone Programme

Cornerstone is YHSS’ whole-school approach to care-connect-contribute towards our suite of UPLIFT initiatives.
According to the Cambridge Dictionary, the word ‘cornerstone’ refers to something of great importance that everything else depends on.
Our mission is to build Yuhuans of Character and Purpose Who Care, Connect and Contribute. We aim to build all students up to the peak based on Maslow Hierarchy of Needs. Towards this end, Cornerstone is our effort towards uplifting every Yuhuan – building esteem and motivation by first ensuring with priority different foundational needs are well taken care of.
We enable Yuhuans to conquer the peak, by first laying a strong foundation.

Cornerstone provides a progressive and integrated programme to foster a sense of belonging, school readiness and build students’ motivation based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.